Saturday, June 21, 2008

What the Portuguese call Pastry

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This looks like an exciting new take on the food book - Fabrico Próprio The Design of Semi-Industrial Confectionery a 292-page, bi-lingual hardcover book dedicated to Portuguese confectionery and its relation to design with essays by an Architecture critic, a contemporary art curator and a food critic. There is only one recipe in the whole book and it's one from a new gastronomy perspective - “Snail with fruits and superior green tea sorbet” from Hugo Nascimento (chef at the Terreiro do Paço restaurant in Lisbon). The book also talks about the diaspora of the Portuguese Pastel de Nata (Custard Tart) - a personal favorite of mine and something I quite often wish I could have for breakfast. However it seems like the only Portuguese pastry shops in the NYC area are over in Newark (Coutinhos Bakery, 121 Ferry St and Seabra Marisqueira, 87 Madison St - both close to the train station). Sadly at the moment the book seems to be only available from the website so no adding it to the amazon wish list.

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