Sunday, March 2, 2008

Another Japanese House

Regular readers will probably suspect by now that I love modern Japanese houses and it's true I do. In fact I would say my interest is close to an obsession. For me many of the issues I'm trying to resolve in my own head about the house of my dreams are solved in some of these houses and when they aren't at least new ideas are always presented and those ideas tend to open up new avenues of thought. There is simply something very special at play in terms of dimension, use of light, placement of floors and windows, clever use of awkward plot size, use of wood, the application of white space and how the definement of room use is played out - these are just some of the interesting issues to consider and ponder.

Here's pics of the new N HOUSE by Jun Aoki located between the cities of Tokyo and Yokohama - some fascinating ideas but I can barely imagine what the cleaning job would be like.

Personally I would much rather live in Aoki-San's 2007 design - the J HOUSE just for this entrance and garden even though inside it is equally white and an intense cleaning maintenance job.

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