Monday, January 28, 2008

Remembrances: chased by Nazi's

What does this logo mean to you ? To me it brings back the memory of running for my life around the streets of central Leeds trying to get away from forty Nazi Skinheads determined to kick my head in. Why ? I'd made a wrong turn after leaving a Rock Against Racism outdoor gig.

Wish I could find this documentary on R.A.R. but it doesn't seem to be available anywhere online even in this the day of Youtube. When I get nostalgic for Britain it's for things like this. 2Tone, punks listening to dub, mixed race bands, Northern soul all nighters, Cabaret Voltaire playing at Sheffield University, Compendium Books in Camden (R.I.P), books like Hanif Kureishi's "Buddah of Surburbia" and socialism when the left was left and labor meant Tony Benn not Tony Blair. A England long gone.

Here's more about the film - An interview with the director and a review with comments from Don Letts and Isaac Julien.

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